SABnzbd Disk Monitor Script

Many of you who followed this guide are probably using a VPS provider which offers a little less disk space than you'd hope. Here's my method to keep things running smoothly while allowing enough disk space for Plex to transcode and keep your downloads going. This script will You'll want to replace '/dev/md2' with your … Continue reading SABnzbd Disk Monitor Script

Radarr Post-Processing Script

Now on to Radarr. This script is nearly identical to the Sonarr script, just with some path adjustments to point at the "Movies" folder and different section IDs to use with my Plex "Movies" library. It also utilizes the previous "" script and the "Sickbeard MP4 Automator script" from here. Again, this script is unique to my … Continue reading Radarr Post-Processing Script

Sonarr Post-Processing Script

Here's my Sonarr post-processing script. This script utilizes the previous "" script and the "Sickbeard MP4 Automator script" from here. Sonarr post-processing scripts receive environment variables as defined on this page, allowing you to pass that information through to the scripts. I use those in conjunction with some customized variables to manipulate the rClone upload … Continue reading Sonarr Post-Processing Script

Setting up Radarr with Plex Media Server

One of the most time-consuming aspects of maintaining a Plex server is keeping your media organized and keeping track of upcoming episodes and movie releases. This guide will focus on two tools to automate that process. Disclosure: This guide in no way condones nor promotes piracy. Where you get your media is your choice, and while the […]